Auto Smasher - Phoenix

1. Intro

The Autosmasher is often looked down on by your average player due to the seemingly stupid combination of a turret and a smasher build. However, unlike popular belief, the Autosmasher is actually one of the most useful rammers in the game, with the potential to perform at an equal or higher level than its competitors, the Spike and Landmine.

2. Basics

Now, in order to most effectively use Autosmasher, it is important to understand the everything about the turret which makes it unique. With most Auto tanks, the Autogun gives a combination of three things: Increased power, the ability to be mostly immune to the environment, and the ability to track down enemies. Autosmasher is a whole different breed of tank though, and its Autogun provides a different set of advantages and weaknesses.

Since Autosmasher's turret doesn't actually do almost any damage, other smaller factors about it should be noted. First off, the turret does have a bit of recoil, which makes moving towards something a very slight bit slower than moving away from something. Its gun is pretty weak, meaning that it can lock onto a single shape and fire at it several times before killing it, hence it seems easily distracted. It is super weak, but if it does touch the enemy it will stop their high speed regeneration. Finally, it leaves a bit of a trail of breadcrumbs and likes to give away your location quite a bit.

3. Builds

My personal favorite build is 4/9/10/0/0/0/0/10. This build has superior enough power over booster and annihilator rammers that it is able to kill them fairly easily. It has maximum speed because without that speed, fending off Spikes would be much harder and getting ambushes would be more difficult. Finally, the 4 regen, combined with the autogun, is important for slowly weakening spikes in order to eventually kill them if they choose to chase you.

4. Attacking

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5. Defending

So, here comes the good stuff. Covering all the weaknesses of Autosmasher's turret is the first order of business, because using Autosmasher effectively works best when the turret is not a disruption. The first major problem is the problem of recoil pushing you back as you approach a target. The second is that the gun firing at the enemy tends to give away ambushes. The third problem is that when you actually do want to track the enemy, the gun might be busy shooting at another shape. All three of these problems can be solved quite easily actually, and with a fairly simple method. Just run up to the center of the map, grab all the crashers, and drag them out of the center.

This solves all three weaknesses at once. First off, it forces your turret to fire behind you because the turret prefers crashers over other shapes. This both gives you the gun's recoil buff in whatever direction you are running, and also keeps the gun pointing away from ambushes, making them more likely to succeed. Finally, you can simply back into your crashers to kill them, letting the turret retarget an enemy if you are wanting to track that enemy with the autoradar.

Also, the crashers will occasionally catch up to you and touch you, giving you an essentially free speed boost on top of the recoil. A combination of a nice crasher cloud and the turret recoil with the 10 movement speed turns Autosmasher into a real competitor for fastest class in the game, allowing it to literally outrun a 10 speed spike, and ambush about as fast as a destroyer bullet.

Finally, availability of crashers is obviously not a problem since they spawn all the time, and with 10 speed its easy to get from anywhere on the map back to the center to gather more crashers quickly.