Overlord - Adasba

1. Intro

The Overlord is a very complicated diep.io tank that requires a lot of skill to master. Remember that even if you read this guide ten times over, take notes, and write a scientific paper on it, you won’t become good with the Overlord instantly. Though it will help, becoming skilled with the Overlord will take a long time.

2. Basics

The Overlord is not a normal tank. It is a drone class, meaning that it uses drones, triangular projectiles that don’t follow a straight path, instead of bullets. By default, the drones will circle around your tank, and attack nearby objects by going towards them, but as soon as you hold down the left mouse button or turn on auto-fire by pressing the E key, they will immediately move towards your mouse. While you are “firing”, the drones will follow your mouse wherever it goes. However, if you press the right click button, the drones will go away from your mouse, pointing in the exact opposite direction of what they would point if you were left clicking. If auto-fire is on, right clicking will still move the drones away.

3. Builds

The best build for the Overlord is x/x/x/7/7/7/0/7

An "x" means that you can change the stats there. For regen, body damage, and max health, I recommend 2/1/2 or 0/2/3. Though this build will generally give you the best results, you can swap some health stats for reload if it suits your playstyle.

4. Attacking

First of all, you’re going to need to know how to do a basic attack. If you’ve used bullet tanks, you will know that you have to aim where the opponent is going to be when your bullets reach them, instead of where they actually are. This concept is similar with the Overlord, except to a smaller degree. Do what you’d do with a bullet tank, except you should place your mouse slightly ahead of where you want them to go. This is useful because the drones will slow down and stop when they reach the mouse, so if you put them ahead, they will not slow down, and you can keep them going if the opponent dodges. Make sure to move to dodge, preferably perpendicular to the enemy’s fire to maximize the dodging’s effectiveness. Here is an example of how this basic attack works. BasicAttack

Now that you’ve got some basic tactics down, here are a few attacks that can drastically improve your performance. They are easy to learn, and with a bit of practice, you can get good scores.

Curve Shot - Very similar to the basic attack. However, in this attack, you will have to move your drones in a slight arc. This move works extremely well against single direction bullet spammers like triplet or sprayer, because it avoids their bullet streams while killing them, and it also works on triple twin, twin flank, and other focused fire classes. For most other classes, however, it isn’t very effective. Do not try this against drone or sniper classes unless under specific conditions. Make sure to move and dodge while doing this to make it more effective. If the target goes after the drones, try to spin them around the enemy tank to make them harder to hit and damage them

Repel - Repelling is essential to being successful with the Overlord. It allows you to reach offscreen areas that would otherwise be impossible to reach. To do it, quickly move your mouse in the opposite direction of where you want to repel, and then hold down right click. This will make drones go in the desired direction. The faster you do this, the more effective repelling will be. If you repel with your mouse close to your drones, they will spread out. If you repel with your mouse far away from your drones, they will stay in a small group.

Most of the time, you should keep your drones in a small group, but let them spread out a little bit. This will allow you to get a good damage output, and at the same time make your drones more difficult to dodge. If you are confident that you will hit the target, keep drones in a smaller group to deal more damage. If you are taking down a fleeing opponent with low HP or are not confident in hitting your opponent, spread them out more so the drones are harder to dodge. Be careful, because enemies can take advantage of gaps in your drone shield to attack. If you seem to be unable to kill the tank you just did a right click attack against, move your mouse across the screen multiple times. This will cause the drones to zigzag, hopefully dealing more damage and possibly killing the opponent.

The Claw - Sometimes, curve shot attacks will not work. This is where the claw comes in handy. The claw is a bit harder to use than the other attacks I have described above, but once you know how it works, it becomes a weapon of mass destruction. Basically, instead of sending drones at the enemy tank like you normally would, start out by repelling from the center of them, and then moving your mouse away from them so they go towards your opponent. Once your drones mostly surround them, stop repelling, and put your mouse in front of where your opponent is going to be. The drones will attack from 360 degrees and kill them. This attack does require multitasking skills though, because you will need to dodge while using the claw. I recommend using this against bullet spam classes, but not ones that fire in multiple directions, like triple twin and octo tank. It can also work against overlord, manager, and factory. Do not use this against snipers, if you want to kill a sniper, just chase them while blocking their bullets and send drones directly at them once you're close enough.

5. Defending

For defense, destroy enemy projectiles by having them hit your drones. Always keep your drones nearby when moving around and not attacking, keeping auto-fire on is recommended too. If a random tank suddenly appears and attacks you, your drones will be able to quickly get into position to block their projectiles. If you were to keep your drones far away, an enemy could come and deal damage before you could get into a good blocking position. Remember to move perpendicular to your enemy’s bullets or other projectiles to dodge them, and move away from them as well. After moving away, come back and quickly attack before they can adapt to your movement. In some cases, going away and quickly charging won't be necessary. This may seem like a lot of information to take in. However, I have barely scratched the surface of what this tank can do.