Penta Shot - BE1A/Bela

1. Intro

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2. Basics

Bullet Streaming
There are 2 ways to bullet stream:

Shaking Left to Right produces the pattern below.
I call this the "Dragonfly" (because if i dont start naming things people dont think its a "skill")

Circling Produces the pattern below.
I call this the "Feather" (so i can become the new Anokuu /s)
Turning off auto-fire to get the feel and timing right should help produces these patterns.
After being able to create these patterns, practicing with auto-fire on should bring penta to its max focus potential.
Leaderboard knowledge and determining whether there is an hostile destroyer is extremely important.


3. Builds

Glass builds are the best for penta, as it can move quickly and has a lot of attack power, and the bullets serve as defense.

4. Attacking

There are situations where you should stop attacking a tank because the tank wont die anyway.

Situation 1

It is not very likely that the penta will be able to kill that tank in this situation, as the tank's bullet trails creates a wall that penta cannot pass; where as the penta must get past the trail to damage the tank
(Exceptions: if the tank is cornered, it cant move so you can kill it, or if its an absolute noob you could kill it)

Situation 2 (when chasing)

If the bullet trails come from the top of the screen sideways, the tank is mostly likely out of range. This is due to bullets taking time to reach our FoV.

Situation 3
Penta vs Penta with similar health (1v1 situations only)

This is meaningless, as Penta can only do one of these at a time:

1. Chase tanks

2. Shoot at tanks

Since the you wont be able to shoot at the penta while chasing, the running away side has an advantage, as the chasing side will have to dodge the bullets while the escaping side wont have to deal with your bullets at all.

Rammers Penta shot is not faster than destroyers nor boosters, so chasing them in the middle of the map wont get you anywhere. However, if somehow the rammer ends up on the edge of the map, there's the chance to kill the rammer.
This is the ideal situation u want to turn it into:

Don't boost towards the edge, as the Booster will escape towards the middle.

Keep a diagonal line between the rammer and yourself.

The Booster can not move backwards as it will get squished by the Penta, and it cannot move upwards, as it will take a ton of damage from Penta and die.

Its only option is to move towards the corner...

And die.

Make sure to keep your cursor as close as possible since the rammer can suddenly turn back and you'll need to react quickly to counter them.

Never attack a bullet spammer that can outgun you in their FOV. Stay out of their FOV as much as possible. Penta trails make it much harder to guess where the tank is, while most other bullet spammer trails are easier to figure out.

Shaking barrels gives you two advantages:

You get less recoil so you can advance faster, and your bullet pattern becomes harder to figure out.

Just like any other tank, attacking from top to bottom is better than attacking sidways. However, attacking upwards is better than attacking downards for two reasons.

1. You have more vision since your name and score bar won't cover the screen.

2. Your health bar is below the tank.

Opponent can't see your health bar while you can see theirs, and forced movement and predicting what tanks will do gives you a lot of advantages over the enemy. Bullets shot by another tank can also act as a secondary wall that helps you kill your enemy, which is shown below.

Assuming my penta wasn't there, the arrow is the only sensible direction for the Overlord to go in.

If we trap the Overlord between the two "walls", then it will have nowhere to go, and will die to one of the pentas.

Despite what half of what Reddit says, bullet destroyers shouldnt be much of a problem. If there is a destroyer in the server, dont boost directly up or down. Use a zigzag pattern, as it gives you more reaction time for when they fire at you and you need to dodge. Remember to keep your cursor close, as it helps you make sharp turns in case of a surprise attack. Moving sideways is also enough to not die to destroyers 99% of the time.

To prevent most ambushes, you need to keep track of where the destroyer is.

This pattern is almost always guaranteed for some reason (unless the destroyer is at low health or is a pro like Corrupt X). The destroyer usually comes back while boosting, and if you bullet stream in their direction right before stage 3 happens, you can usually land a few hits on it and either cripple it or kill it. To kill the destroyer, you generally want to trap the destroyer with the same method that you used to trap rammers. Unlike rammers however, non-ram destroyers will not have enough health to survive until it reaches the corner.

When tracking the escaping destroyer, if a bullet comes from the top and moves sideways, it usually means that you have lost track of that destroyer, as the destroyers bullets are generally much slower.

In the above case, you should usually just give up and pick another target.

5. Defending

The tanks that you should prioritize when killing are Gunners, Overseers, Triple Shots, and high reload Snipers, as they can easily counter you when they upgrade to lv45.
Gunners can be very difficult to kill when they put their children on top of their head.

Overseers can become Factories, Triple Shots will become hard to kill no matter what they choose at lv45, and Snipers with high reload usually go for the Assassin or Hunter branch. But above all else, kill the one who chases you because they got salty first. They will continue chasing you and potentially kill you while you are fighting another tank.